Who we are

Where we come from, where we want to go and what drives us.

We started as pioneers in online reporting.

Today we are the leading agency for digital reporting worldwide.

We create the best reports. This is what we offer

Facts about nexxar

That’s us
headshot of Alexandra (Portrait photo)


Team Lead Project Management


reaches for the alarm clock


times each morning

I joined nexxar as a project manager in 2013, coming from linguistic studies and years of experience in marketing. Obviously I am an organisational freak and “structure” is my middle name, but what still excites me the most are the many creative possibilities for designing and implementing digital reports. As lead of the project management team I strive to make each team member feel valued and discover their strengths. I love being a sparring partner for the individual develop­ment of our project managers. I believe in transparent communication, motivating each other and never losing your sense of humor.

Outside of work, I love spending time with my family, preferably in nature.

headshot of Albert (Portrait photo)


Process Developer


had fun writing
his master thesis with


pages of data

After Mathematics I studied German linguistics at the University of Vienna. Looking for challenges besides my true passion – linguistic research – I stumbled upon nexxar. Being able to work mostly from home while doing something I care about really puts my restless mind to ease. In process develop­ment I “bless” my coworkers with little tools no one asked for, but everybody privily missed. My secret goal is to fully automate every task at nexxar until only I remain.

Besides data I love video games and good stories, may it be a book, a TV series or the eternal masterpiece of Eichiiro Oda.

headshot of Alexandra (Portrait photo)


Project Manager



1 kg

of mandarines per day in the holiday season

Born in Slovakia in a Hungarian minority, I grew up in a bilingual environment. At the age of 11, I moved to Austria where I learned German and English. Speaking four languages fluently led me to my interpreting studies at the University of Vienna. After aquiring my master’s degree, I worked at a translation agency as a project and QA manager, where I discovered my passion for organizing and team work. At nexxar I am really looking forward to expand my skills mostly in the digital and technical fields.

When not at work, I enjoy spending my time playing badminton, dancing, reading, eating, and travelling.

headshot of Anna (Portrait photo)


Frontend Developer


has a


day streak on Duolingo learning
Italian and French

I found my way to nexxar in autumn 2020, when I moved to Vienna from Göteborg, Sweden. There I lived for 6 years (I originally come from Slovakia) and it’s where my career as a frontend developer started. I really love that this field combines problem-solving and creativity. To make things work and look good across platforms and web browsers is a challenge I enjoy taking on.

headshot of Catherine (Portrait photo)





100 dB

with her laugh

After my internship in Vienna in 2021, I continued my studies in Münster, Germany, and became nexxar’s first 100% remote employee. This arrangement enabled me to balance my education and professional growth. The human-centered work, flexibility, and an exceptional team spirit provided me with the ideal foundation for a successful start to my career.

Currently, I reside near my hometown, holding a permanent position as a designer with a bachelor’s degree, enjoying the rural lifestyle and the opportunities that come with collaborating with international clients.

headshot of Claudio (Portrait photo)


Team Lead Motion Design


has been growled at

2 x

by office dogs. Send help!

Early in 2017 I started working as a motion designer here at nexxar. My responsibilities have expanded significantly since then. Besides motion design, I also realise video productions and I’m now responsible for our corporate startup Paradots. But to sum it up – my task here is to get things moving on screen.

After work I like to spend my spare time playing basketball or playing drums.

headshot of Christoph (Portrait photo)


Backend Developer


preferred outside temperature is

+30° C

I have always been passionate about languages, so it was only a matter of time until I discovered computer languages. Along with the logical challenges of software development, I enjoy creating something together with others.

When time allows, I tend to my own personal projects, which are mostly simulations. I also like to make music with my friends.

headshot of Christine (Portrait photo)


Frontend Developer


would be named Ernestine if born


days earlier
(after her grandma Erna)

I’ve been supporting the frontend team since the beginning of October 2022. I love the combination of computer science, technology and design. With frontend development I have exactly the opportunity to do so. At nexxar, I particularly like the sophisticated designs, the nice colleagues and the opportunity to work and live in Vienna.


Project Manager

owns over


anime and cartoon cosplays

I am currently studying spatial planning at the TU Wien. Since I really adore the planning and organising aspect of my studies, I thought project management could be the right path for me. The internship at nexxar turned out to be a good opportunity to gather work experience in this field.

In my free time I enjoy taking long walks while listening to music, taking care of my plants and baking.

headshot of Christina (Portrait photo)


Senior Project Manager


knows about


musical songs by heart

Before becoming a project manager at nexxar, I studied translation and economic law. At the same time, I worked as a project manager at a translation agency and was responsible for organising translations into various languages. That job taught me that always keeping an overview and being well organised are the keys to handling projects success­fully. I love to be part of creative projects and to develop exciting designs together with our team and our clients.

While living in Italy, I discovered my passion for Italian food which is why I love to try out new Italian restaurants here in Vienna.

headshot of Christoph (Portrait photo)


Team Lead Infrastructure


number of soldering burns:

~ 250

I’m an individual with a keen eye for detail and a passion for all things technical with a knack for understanding complex systems. As someone who geeks out on understanding how things work, I’m excited to dive deeper into software development and troubleshooting. It’s not just about staying current with the latest tech trends for me – it’s about getting my hands dirty with coding languages and computer hardware.

When I’m not working, you can find me tinkering with gadgets or experimenting with new software. My insatiable curiosity knows no bounds when it comes to technology.


Project Manager

has a collection of


pairs of sneakers and counting

Born in Austria but raised in the United States, I returned after my history bachelor’s at Michigan to study inter­national relations in Vienna. Equipped with professional experience in academic and diplomatic settings, my enthusiasm to perpetually learn alongside being an innate planner trying to organise all parts of my life led me to project manage­ment at nexxar.

In my free time I enjoy history as a hobby, travelling (mostly for the food), and games of all kinds, whether played on a field, board, or computer.

headshot of Dominika (Portrait photo)


Senior Project Manager


has visited


countries so far (and still counting...)

Intrigued by the big city life, I decided to leave my homeland Slovakia back in 2011 and pursue my studies in Vienna, which eventually became my home. After graduating from Business Administration, I found myself longing for a job that would allow me to combine my organizational skills with my creative spirit. nexxar turned out to be the place I was looking for.

In my free time, I found my passion in travelling, photo­graphy, playing piano and becoming addicted to new TV series.

headshot of Daniela (Portrait photo)


UX Specialist



40 %

of her cosmetic products herself

After finishing “die Graphische” in Vienna and five years of experience in the graphic & prepress-section I joined nexxar and the online design team in 2016 – I really love the spirit here!

Apart from work, I am always busy with something. I don’t remember when I last had a boring day as there are so many things to do – spend time with my family, read a good book, learn something, get inspired by nature or make the world around me better & more green.

headshot of Eloy (Portrait photo)


Chief Executive Officer


jumps into the Danube


months of the year: from late March to early November

Born and bred in Münster, Germany I’ve been living in Vienna since 2010. After completing my degree in Communications, I gathered work experience in the areas of financial communication as well as in editing. This included working at a company in Hamburg which focuses on printed annual reports. As CEO of nexxar, I intend to drive the imple­mentation of our strategy and take care of our business development activities.

headshot of Eike (Portrait photo)


Senior Designer


makes homemade pasta
at least every



After growing up in Bonn, Germany I moved to Trier to study Communication Design. In 2013 I moved to Hamburg where I still live and work remotely. I joined the nexxar design team at the end of 2022 and I already miss this wonderful city.

Besides from websites, I love to make pasta, risotto, curry, or whatever new recipe I get my fingers on.

headshot of Ernesto (Portrait photo)


Office Manager


has an average of


plant per square meter in his flat

Originally from El Salvador. Life led me to Vienna – a city I now proudly call home for four challenging years. I’m a Master student and I’ve embraced this vibrant city whole-heartedly. My diverse background has equipped me with abilities to contribute meaningfully to this team. I’m passionate about meeting new people, collecting experiences, and learning every day. You’ll find me joyfully dancing through life, tasting nice food, and exploring new destinations.


Process Developer


3,000 km

from Barcelona to Istanbul

I’m excited to work in Vienna after moving here from Berlin to study Computer Science. I have always been interested in getting valuable insights out of data, which is why I worked in the broad field of Data Science and Software Engineering. I’m now supporting the PD team to develop new tools to automate processes which make our life a bit easier.

headshot of Eva (Portrait photo)


Team Lead Concept & Design


counts the


days until summer time is back

My professional background is in public relations and marketing in the financial sector. Since 2016, I have been fortunate to apply this experience to work for nexxar and our clients. In my role as concept developer, I aim to create purposeful concepts that enable our clients to present their complex content in a way that is engaging and easy to understand.

As lead of the concept and design team, the personal development of the designers is close to my heart. Listening, giving space, promoting strengths – that is my credo. The team is only as strong as each individual!

I am passionate about the sustainable development of society and how to make a difference both in personal life and by means of responsible economic activities.

headshot of Fritz (Portrait photo)


Senior Project Manager


currently has an ITN* of


*International Tennis Number

I have been a project manager at nexxar since 2008, after I completed a degree in Media Management at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Pölten. Before that, I gathered experience in the areas of Public Relations and Website Administration. I have the special ability of always remaining calm and keeping a clear overview of things, which can be quite useful when putting all of my energy into the optimisation of nexxar’s Online First process. This ability also helps me steer even the most stressful projects into safe harbours. However, I can still get agitated with the Austrian Federal Railways, which I must use to travel to work every day.

headshot of Frederick (Portrait photo)


Senior Project Manager


is strongly convinced that


teeth are enough to survive

Originally from northern Germany, I studied politics in Dresden and Seoul. During that time I gained first experiences in teaching, event management and public relations. I love meeting new people and working in a diverse, open-minded and dynamic team. As part of the project manage­ment and sales team at nexxar, I found the perfect fit to do just that.

In my spare time you find me doing sports (currently into Squash and Padel), drinking coffee or trying to prevent my dog Yuna to eat everything in the office.


Motion Designer

was born on the


of February, thankfully not on the next day

I am an educated sound engineer, a bit of a cameraman, a bit of a video editor, and a bit of a 3D animator. Recently, I had also been working in the field of motion design, which brought me to nexxar, where I have been applying my skills in the motion design team with great pleasure since December 2023.

headshot of Georg (Portrait photo)


Project Manager



20 h

non-stop Tarock card game – ranking 2nd in local marathon

For a big part of my career I worked on European youth policy, e.g. preparing long-term Youth Goals that the EU ministers agreed upon. I learned programming and project management in school which is very useful for my work at nexxar. I have degrees in Sociology and International Development and previously worked in sustainability research, before specialising in youth participation, event orga­nisation and educational publications.

I have lived abroad in Ghana, Spain and Estonia, but recently I settled down in Vienna’s greenest district next to the national park Lobau, where I enjoy outdoor sports like cycling, swimming and jogging.

headshot of Gregor (Portrait photo)


Senior Designer


personal best in recognizing his favourite song titles is

1 sec

My passion for design started at an early age, which led me to attend art school in Vienna. After completing my education and eager to start working, I jumped into my first design job as soon as possible. I’ve gathered experience in three different companies with a total of over 7.5 years before starting at nexxar.

In my free time I enjoy being outdoors, spending time with family & friends and watching movies & tv shows.

headshot of Gernot (Portrait photo)


Chief Technology Officer


hasn’t turned his mobile off for
more than



I went down the path of independence selling cooling systems for computers for some years. After selling my company, I joined nexxar 2010 as a project manager. I grew fond of the nerds in the programming department, and due to my natural organisational talents I am now their technical director as well as co-owner of the company.

headshot of Hannah (Portrait photo)




her skin is fully tanned at


While studying at the Münster School of Design, I had the opportunity to get to know nexxar in a seminar. Throughout that semester, my interest grew, especially in the area of information transfer. I am thrilled to see design that manages to get to the core of information and communicates it in a way that is aesthetically and sustainable for society.

headshot of Hanna (Portrait photo)


Process Developer


is a walking, talking jukebox about


days a week

Having been a swimming instructor, a barkeeper, an event organizer (amongst other things) and a student of architecture and music, I come from a rich background of very diverse experiences. The common denominator, though, has always been my analytical approach, my curiosity, my passion for problem-solving and my ongoing quest for the best possible solution for anything and everyone. So when I started studying sociology at the University of Vienna and working for the process development department at nexxar in 2022, I felt right at home.

headshot of Ingrid (Portrait photo)


Senior Project Manager


has already lived in


federal states of Austria

I have been with this excep­tional agency since 2015. With an unstoppable passion for getting things done, I’m driven not only by my love for our dynamic team but also by my appreciation for our incredible clients. So, when it comes to bring our client’s visions to life, with a blend of creativity, an eye on user experience and stategic thinking I want to ensure that every project surpasses expectations and leaves a lasting impression.

Meet me at nexxar events in the vibrant city of Vienna or in my home office in the beautiful town Klagenfurt am Wörthersee.

headshot of Insa (Portrait photo)


Project Manager



87 %

of her belongings are second hand

With a bachelor’s degree in business administration, I initially worked as a project manager in E-Commerce. However, I soon felt the urge to further explore my creative side which led me to study Design as well. For me, nexxar is a great opportunity to combine all my competences and expand my skills. After graduating, I moved back to my small hometown in northern Germany where I work remotely, but this wonderful team and my love for Vienna always draw me back.

I have a passion for food and photography. You’ll also find me enjoying nature, spending time with my family and friends, and always looking out for a new breakfast spot.

headshot of Iulia (Portrait photo)


Frontend Developer


meditates for

10 min

every day

I think everything can be learned with just the right amount of patience and determination. With this idea in mind I started my path as a web developer and since 2018 I am enjoying my time at nexxar as part of the frontend team.

headshot of Ivana (Portrait photo)


Senior Project Manager


picks about


hairs off her clothes per day
- overwhelmingly feline

I’ve always been curious about how things work and slightly irritated by things that are not done efficiently or correctly. My background in digital business management and my passion for structure and hands-on work, led me into project management and ultimately to nexxar in 2020.

In my time off I enjoy annoying my cats, knitting, hiking and baking.

headshot of Johannes (Portrait photo)


Team Lead Backend Development



visitors found this information useful

Since I have always been inspired by the dynamic atmosphere of cosmopolitan cities, I moved to Vienna where I’m now involved in nexxar’s software development. I love to push the limits, and yet it seems …

This profile has encountered a problem and needs to close


Project Manager

spends an average of

1 h

per day looking for her misplaced phone

Since I successfully completed my Bachelor’s degree in Project Manage­ment and IT, I’m now pursuing my Master’s in Digital Management and Sustainability. I began my journey at nexxar as an intern, and was thrilled to be taking on the role of Project Manager afterwards. I enjoy using my skills and developing my knowledge, and working with a team to achieve goals.

Outside of work and university, I enjoy cuddling with my cats, taking long walks and snacking in front of a good movie or series.

headshot of Jan (Portrait photo)


Senior Project Manager


his favourite sports number is


like Lewis Hamilton & Jerry West

Armed with degrees in both financial com­­­munications and media management (and spending too much time on social media and finance-related topics), I set out to modernize financial communications for the digital age. nexxar seemed like the place to be for me. The team here fosters an energetic, collaborative atmosphere that complements my work style, and the camaraderie among my colleagues makes every day enjoyable.

Outside of work, you’ll find me cheering on my favorite sports teams, especially in football, basketball, and Formula 1. I’m also a big fan of video games and enjoy spending my free time gaming and hanging out with friends.

headshot of Johannes (Portrait photo)


Senior Frontend Developer


number of grandparent’s children combined:


I work in the frontend development team. In this area I am mainly concerned with technologies that are used by web browsers for the display and execution of pages and applications.

headshot of Jürgen (Portrait photo)


Finance Lead


eats more than


bananas each year

I have been working at nexxar for more than 15 years and successfully published countless financial reports. Besides being a senior project manager I am responsible for company-­­­wide project coordination and finance.

Outside of nexxar, I am addicted to my latest “project”: Raising a lovely little girl. What a challenge!


Motion Designer

has collected approx.


different sets of LEGO Star Wars

I was born in Poland, where I spent most of my life, with a short detour of half a year to Bosnia. I graduated in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, however, it is not the only faculty I studied at. A few years ago, I made one of the most important decisions in my life by switching from painting to animation.

At the end of 2023, I moved to Vienna following my partner and seeking for new opportunities and challenges. At the moment, I’m enjoying my time at nexxar, where I’m able to combine my passion for painting and animation!

headshot of Johannes (Portrait photo)


Team Lead Process Development


has the


sense for the one spelling mistake
in the haystack

Born and bred in Vienna, I finished studying law, but different editorial jobs brought me to producing Company Reports in 2001. Co-founding nexxar in 2003 was surely my biggest adventure, experiencing multiple aspects of growing a company. But most of all living my desire to providing high-quality service to demanding clients. Today I enjoy seeing that spirit in many dedicated colleagues who made nexxar the eminent authority on the European Digital CorpComm market.

Nowadays, as head of Process Development I focus more on the tiny but essential steps of content trans­formation. My wonderful team and I push the boun­daries every day towards even faster and safer publications, always going the extra mile for our projects and clients.


Project Manager

has painted


landscapes with acrylics

Since I lived in the countryside for a long time, I decided to move to Vienna to study Business Administration. After graduating from my master’s program in Management I looked for a job where I can use my creative and analytical skills. nexxar turned out to be exactly the right place.

In my free time I enjoy painting landscapes, playing the piano, and listening to music. Apart from that I have a passion for fashion and gaming.

headshot of Katherina (Portrait photo)




spends at least

2 h

a day with a cat on her lap

Before joining the nexxar family in 2018, I graduated in Graphic Design and had the chance to gain experience in the marketing department of a software company. From the first day at nexxar I felt like an equal, fully-fledged member of the team and found myself surrounded by incredibly talented people.

Besides working, I like to travel around the world and explore new cultures, watch as many NFL games as possible, and cuddle my cats.

headshot of Karsten (Portrait photo)


Art Director


has so far carpentered


pieces of furniture in his flat himself

I am part of the invasion of collegues from Münsterland, Germany here at nexxar. After studying Communication Design in Germany’s oldest city I worked in Hamburg and Munich, where I concentrated on branding and strategic brand design.

I have a passion for well-crafted typography and designs that are well-conceived and have a clear concept. I find it exciting to make complex things easy to understand and aesthetics and usability are a big part of that.


Frontend Developer

her highest speed reached on the motorcycle was

210 km/h

I am from Hungary and I have been living in Vienna for more than 10 years. In 2018 I switched from gastronomy to web development. I enjoy working in a field that combines creativity with coding. As of November 2023, I’m a part of the nexxar frontend team.


Project Manager

is fascinated by license plates with high sums that are divisible by


I am most passionate about interfaces, interstices, and boundary areas. That's why I hold degrees in both 'Theatre, Film, and Media Studies' and 'Management by Innovation'. At nexxar, I specialize in Disclosure Management Systems (DMS) and see my role as a troubleshooting link between internal project management and external client relations.

Outside of work, I find balance in nature and by building Lego marble runs with my son.

headshot of Kornelia (Portrait photo)


Senior Project Manager


hums on average

4 h

a day some of her favourite songs

With a linguistic background and some years of experience as a project manager in the cultural sector I finally found my way to nexxar, where I have enjoyed working with all these open-minded and creative people from the very first moment.

Since I see myself as an outgoing person who likes to be confronted with new challenges, I got involved in corporate reporting very fast and I am putting a lot of passion into my work. Apart from the beautiful design, working on the reports requires a lot of attention and an eye for detail.

headshot of Lena (Portrait photo)


Senior Designer



1,000 km

to Bibione and back, just for a gelato

I have always been fascinated by designing, it is like drawing with infor­­mation. So I studied graphic and information design at the New Design University. After 3.5 great years working as a web designer in the sports field, I am proud to be part of the nexxar team and projects.

Apart from work, I am a charity princess, with the mission to bring carefree and cheerful moments to children with disabilities.

headshot of Lisa (Portrait photo)


Team Lead Project Management


will get up at

03:00 am

to watch the NBA live

With a background in business administration I have been able to gain experience in many areas while working in the international hotel industry. The search for a new challenge has brought me to nexxar. Project management gives me the opportunity to combine my organizational skills with my interest in technology and love for problem-solving while working in a creative environment.

Outside of work I enjoy challenging myself through working out, running, traveling and/or getting lost in a good book.

headshot of Lorenz (Portrait photo)


Senior Sysadmin




games in his library, but still only ever plays the same thing

I like to solve problems and I like to make others happy. By being a sysadmin here at nexxar, I can do both! When I am not at the office I solve other people’s IT problems or do some old school print design.

And when I’m done working, I love to cook, bake, care for my plants or play a game of classic pinball.

headshot of Manuela (Portrait photo)


Creative Director


can bend paperclips in


different ways

With a degree in MultiMediaArt and 10 years of experience in big design and automotive agencies I came to Vienna in 2010, seeking a company where I could truly participate and achieve something.

Building up nexxars design team gave me the oppor­tunity to do both. I feel so elated looking back seeing the development of my team and the whole company.

Now as creative director I daily enjoy the extra bonus of being able to work with charming, skilled and dedicated colleagues. Besides, I serve as a FH lecturer to share my knowledge and enthusiasm for digital reporting with aspiring minds.

headshot of Marc (Portrait photo)


Project Manager


owns matching sweatpants for any given situation



I started my professional career in the IT industry, where I discovered my enthusiasm for implementing exciting projects. To deepen my knowledge in this field, I completed my bachelor’s degree in economics and business administration, followed by a master’s in project management. At nexxar, I can optimally combine both – my passion for business and technology. In my free time, I enjoy playing video games and binge watching TV series – preferably both at the same time.

headshot of Melanie (Portrait photo)


Senior Project Manager


acceptable timespan without petting a fluffy dog:

5 min

I have lived here and there for the last couple of years, but after my getaway to Carinthia for my media and com­munication studies I am back in Vienna once again. Looking for an occupation, where my love for detail and my petty way of organisation is not only tolerated but rather appreciated, I quickly found nexxar.

Now I am very thankful to have been welcomed as a member of the great team and really enjoy realizing as many projects as will find their way to me. Apart from work, I try to get creative by sewing and handcrafting (preferably while bingewatching series).

headshot of Michael (Portrait photo)




has driven a tractor for the first time at the age of


Coming from a small rural village in Lower Austria and still living there, I have always been fascinated how computers work. Moreover I was curious how the internet worked. From my early days, I was into PCs, Gaming, network engineering and also agriculture. After being employeed at a huge well known company, I was looking for a fresh start & a new challenge and found nexxar to be my first choice.

In my freetime, I like to tinker with computer related stuff, go for a walk and observe nature, but also to spend time with my family and friends.

headshot of Melanie (Portrait photo)


Project Manager


currently owns


games on steam

After earning my master’s degree in financial com­munications, I was looking for a place where I could apply my knowledge and refine my skills. As a project manager at nexxar, I can continue my personal development by involving myself in the many different departments, ranging from marketing to process development. What I enjoy most about my position is working in teams and building relationships with clients, since working with people is very rewarding to me.

Outside of work, I am a huge nerd. If I am not currently obsessing over a newly released video game, you can probably find me playing board games or Dungeons & Dragons with my friends.

headshot of Magdalena (Portrait photo)


Motion Designer


has watched the extended Lord Of The Ring version probably more than

200 x

I have always loved to draw and to design things. That’s why I studied Graphic- and Communication Design in Vienna. Because I wanted to expand my creative field, I studied VFX & 3D Animation and finished it with a bachelor’s degree later on. The path after my studies led me to nexxar, where I can now express myself creatively in the field of motion design.

Since I am a little nerd, I love playing video-games, as well as watching a good movie or TV-show. One of my favourite hobbies is drawing digitally with my tablet or going for a walk. Oh, and I also like to travel and visit new countries, especially cold ones.

headshot of Martina (Portrait photo)




has a passion for cold bathing

4° C

is optimal

I joined nexxar in the hot summer of 2022. My design career started after receiving a degree in Marketing com­munication. My portfolio is filled with experiences in Advertising, E-commerce and the public sector. Giving information a hierarchy and a creative look has been my passion since childhood. That’s why I love this job.

In my freetime I need to move by walking, biking or training. And when I decide to take a break, a good book is my favourite choice.

headshot of Magdalena (Portrait photo)


Senior Designer


owns more than


music CDs

After finishing my degree in the field of Linguistics in my home town Salzburg, I decided to try and follow the path of my other great passion: design. I finished an education in graphic design and was working in print design, illustration and UX/UI before stumbling upon nexxar. I enjoy being around many creative, talented people every day and being confronted with challenges that help me grow as a designer.

I have a love for art and languages and enjoy reading, drawing, listening to music and occasionally wrecking my friends in video games.

headshot of Martin (Portrait photo)


Chief Operating Officer


average half-life of his ear-worms:

120 min

After years of working in the publishing sector, I eventually found my way to nexxar as project manager in 2012. Besides being responsible for implementing the agency mission, I enjoy managing projects together with so many talented people. It’s a pleasure to see teams and personalities evolve – especially in ways that I did not anticipate before.

I am a foodie and a cocktail aficionado and if time permits I love to share my passion for both with my fellow nexxarians.

headshot of Marlene (Portrait photo)


Senior Designer


has a collection of approx.


awesome printed reports at home

Supporting nexxar as a graphic designer and art director, I am primarily specialized in print design and production. Before joining the nexxar team, I collected 15 years of experience working for design and corporate reporting agencies as well as publishing houses in Austria and Germany. In addition, I had the opportunity to boost my design skills with studies in Graz and Potsdam.

I love my profession not only for the fascinating projects and great colleagues but also for the possibility and need of constant personal growth.

headshot of Martin (Portrait photo)


Frontend Developer




state championship bronze medal in curling

After spending four years in the culinary world as a chef, I found my true passion in the world of IT. As a frontend developer, I really like creating seamless and visually engaging digital experiences. Crafting and enhancing user-friendly interfaces, and staying at the forefront of web technologies drive my work.

Outside my career, I’m an avid PC gamer, using it as a relaxing escape from work’s demands. Photography is another significant passion of mine. Armed with a camera, I like to capture the world’s beauty.


Project Manager


50 %

of my camera roll are dedicated to pictures of food I made

Born and raised in Vienna, I moved abroad as soon as I finished school. After living in France, Scotland, Spain and Portugal, I realised how amazing Austria is and decided to move back. I always loved organising and structuring things, making me a project manager by design, which is exactly what I do here at nexxar. Working here allows me to coordinate people and processes, while still touching on design and tech, both of which are things I’m very interested in.

In my time off I love to do with my hands and getting creative. Most often in the form of baking, cooking or crafting.

headshot of Martina (Portrait photo)


Senior Designer


failed to complete a


piece minion puzzle

After studying media technology and design in Upper Austria, I moved to Vienna in order to work, learn and live. I am passionate about web and print design, as both offer unique challenges and opportunities. At nexxar, I am excited to work with an interdisciplinary team on inspiring projects.

After work I love to go dog-watching and enjoy reading, illustrating and gaming.

headshot of Marina (Portrait photo)


Frontend Developer


spent time in Siberia in winter and it was

-43° C

admittingly, it’s pretty refreshing

Born in Central Asia, I’ve lived & studied in Russia, Germany and Australia. In 2018, I started coding and some time later decided to change my career from finances to tech.

At nexxar I enjoy working on challenging projects and learning something new and exciting about digital reporting and web development every day.


Frontend Developer



kilometers per year with her climate ticket

My career path has been anything but conventional. I began with an apprenticeship as a pastry chef before pursuing a bachelors degree in astrophysics and eventually discovering my passion for web development. This diverse background has equipped me with a unique blend of creativity and analytical skills which I am excited to bring to nexxar.

Outside of work, you'll find me preparing delicious meals and indulging in my love for good food—because what's better than eating? To be honest I devour books almost as quickly as my favorite dishes. My motto? 'Life is too short for bad food and boring books.'


Frontend Developer

buys at least


same-looking black t-shirt per year

Although I graduated in Sociology and Political Science, my love for computers and the internet led me to the world of web design and development. As a developer, I have worked with various companies in both my home country of Serbia and in Austria, where I moved in 2020. I joined nexxar in December 2023, where I have the opportunity to combine my passion for well-written code with harmonious and functional design.

headshot of Nikolaus (Portrait photo)


Senior Backend Developer


has been programming for over



As co-founder, speed and precision are my chosen tools when battling IT issues!

I took a step back from the boiling point at the heart of the nexxar IT, but I keep helping make our visions come true with new, innovative software tools and utilities.

headshot of Paula (Portrait photo)


Project Manager


has collected


plants, thinks it’s a good start

I joined nexxar as a project manager in 2022. I started my working life as a research scientist and educator, and spent many years as freelance marketing and communications professional. Working on projects in so many different contexts and with so many different people I quickly learned that being able to listen to and see things from their perspective is key to project success. That, and making lots and lots of lists, preferably with a favorite pen. When I am not using that pen for work I like to use it to draft knitting projects and books.

headshot of Stefanie (Portrait photo)


Senior Frontend Developer


regularly goes on walks with up to



I started my education in informatics with the sole aim to create my own computer game. Fast forward a few years and I have not (yet) created a game but found my love for frontend develop­ment. After my studies in digital media technologies and a few years at another agency I joined nexxar in 2021 and have enjoyed the frontend challenges that come with the position ever since.

In my spare time I like to spend time in nature, start new creative projects or try to improve my green thumb.

headshot of Stefan (Portrait photo)


People Lead


tries to visit


new restaurant or bar
on a weekly basis

After finishing my studies in Business Administration and Psychology, I looked for an environment to combine these fields and that was the beginning of my HR career. Many years ago I got into the IT industry by accident and decided to stay on purpose.

Connecting people within a company is one of the most satisfying things about working in HR. It almost seems impossible to not learn from your colleagues on a daily basis and that is probably the reason I love what I am doing.

headshot of Stefan (Portrait photo)


Senior Process Developer


reorganizes his files

1 x

every week

Before joining nexxar I was trained in Graphic and Communication Design at the HTL Linz and studied Social Sciences at the University of Vienna. Later I additionally took courses in Computer Science.

In my spare time I produce music and love to go camping.

headshot of Sarah (Portrait photo)


People Service Specialist


clinophile: her longest sleep lasted

16 h

after traveling to New Zealand

The journey that brought me to my current role in HR at nexxar was far from straightforward. I embarked on a path focused on languages and psychosocial counseling, including a lot of time spent abroad. However, it was through these experiences that I discovered my passion for HR, as it combines all the elements I have always enjoyed: effective communication, fostering relationships, embracing diversity, and tackling challenges head-on.

Outside of work, you’ll often find me taking a nap, dancing, cruising on my Honda CB500, or simply chilling in the sun.

headshot of Tina (Portrait photo)


Team Lead Frontend Development


has watched the Harry Potter movies more than



I started working in the frontend development field in 2012 and I’ve been loving it ever since. In such an ever-changing field, there is always a new challenge ahead.

During my spare time I like to play tennis, spend quality time with my dog or host game nights with friends.

headshot of Tobias (Portrait photo)




has watched
The Wolf of Wall Street
at least

12 x

After my one-month full-time internship at nexxar during my summer holidays in August 2022, I began working here on a minor basis even during my business school term. This gives me the great oppor­tunity to gain work experience while still having enough time for school.

In addition to my work, I enjoy playing new video games with my friends, doing sports, watching movies and series, or studying.

headshot of Thomas (Portrait photo)


Relationship Manager



42 km

per week

Being in the field of corporate reporting since the year 2000 it feels like I’ve never done anything else. I love the seasonal reporting cycle as it structures my work-life balance. Outstanding work inspires me and I enjoy partnering with the best. At home I relax with a good glass of wine while cooking or having a disruptive discussion.

Before co-founding nexxar, I completed an MBA and worked two years as equity analyst.

headshot of Vera (Portrait photo)


Senior Designer


has a diploma in herbalism and lives with

~ 40

plants (call me crazy plant lady)

Before joining nexxar in November 2022 I was working in the field of corporate publishing, with a focus on print design, for almost 13 years. Having worked at every stage in the creative process from concept creation to production, I am happy to enrich the nexxar team and to enter the world of digital reporting.

Besides my love for typography and calligraphy I enjoy travelling, playing table tennis with my friends, exploring nature and learning about wild herbs.


Process Developer

applies sunscreen


days per week

After studying Computer Science and six years of working at a big company in HR, it was time for something new. Creating reports has always been the favourite aspect of my previous job so nexxar is the right fit for me. Now I can work on something I like on my regular workdays.

Besides working and studying, I enjoy playing with my cats and videogames in my free time.

headshot of Wolfgang (Portrait photo)


Senior Backend Development


words spoken per day:


if left the choice

I’ve been a passionate software developer ever since elementary school. Studying computer science at the TU Vienna made me become a Viennese by choice.

After work, I enjoy artsy things, like music, photo­graphy or typography.

headshot of Flocki (Portrait photo)


Pawesome Quality Control

Melanie's dog Flocki (Icon)

tricked my parents into double-breakfast

37 x

this year

Born in a Romanian shelter I was rescued by a human calling herself “mom”. Thinking this would mean a life with cuddles, treats and naps, I surprisingly got signed up for a job too. First I was unsure, but once I met my new colleagues I quickly figured out that more people means more hands to scratch my ears. Apart from being brilliant and fluffy, I handle several quality assurance processes (mostly food related).

With my new vocation established, I look forward to my office days and my compensation – belly rubs.

headshot of Yuna (Portrait photo)


Digital Barketing Expert

Freddy's corgi Yuna (Icon)

has the ideal measurements:


as in 5% legs, 35% ears & 60% back

Hi, I’m Yuna! Although my official job description is Digital Barketing Expert, I see myself more as Head of Food Testing and Chief Carpet Inspector. To be honest, I have no idea how I ended up at nexxar in the first place. But I get a lot of attention when I show off my tricks and roam around wherever I want. So I try to be at that place at least once a week.

Between us: The meals are great but I am unhappy with the food drop rate in the kitchen. Considering how much time I spend there, I really should find more on the floor. Other than that, I am totally happy and always willing to spend time with my strangely large colleagues and their tiny ears.

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If you want to be a part of this cool gang, check our job openings

Check for jobs  (Graphic)

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Our corporate startups

  • Paradots is specialised in social media IR. We are experts in shaping corporate, investor relations and sustainability content into visually engaging information. We do this with a deep, holistic understanding of corporate communications and a passion for everything that moves.

    Discover paradots.com
  • Reportery is a SAAS solution for SMEs. While nexxar is focused on huge brands and stock-listed companies, also smaller corporates can create engaging interactive summary pages with Reportery.io - with just a few clicks, and based on pre-existing templates.

    Discover reportery.io

20+ years of excellence

We’ve come a long way. Our 20+ year journey is filled with amazingly talented people, great projects and milestones. We hope to create many more memories in the years to come.

  • new nexxar logo imposed on photo of the new office building with the view in focus (Photo)

    nexxar celebrates its 20th birthday

    A new era begins: nexxar moves into its new office in an industrial style. We are now located in a former gas meter factory that is over 100 years old.

  • people sat in front of podium with big screen and three people presenting (Photo)

    DRC 2022

    nexxar was co-organiser of the Digital Reporting Convention 2022. Participants from all over Europe joined the #DRC22 in Vienna to discuss the current developments in digital reporting.

  • Paradots logo on a purple background with sprinkles and wriggles (Photo)

    Start of Paradots

    We successfully launched our agency startup Paradots for social media investor relations in December 2021.

  • mock up diagramm of page visits with 3 mobile device mock-ups containing social media posts (Graphic)

    Push reporting

    nexxar invented the push reporting principle. Reporting no longer ends with the publication of the digital report – Push reporting takes care of the pro-active communication of the report content - especially in social media channels.

  • big lofty office space with desks and peoples' heads peaking above (Photo)

    Moving office

    nexxar moves its headquarters. Even though the new office location is not far from the old one, they seem to be worlds apart. Measuring around 415 m², the new office is more than twice as big as the previous one.

  • person sitting on by desk, colour matching design to print report (Photo)

    Online First™

    nexxar invented the Online First™ approach. With the multi-channel solution, other report formats can be generated and synchronised from the online report at any time (e.g. a PDF or print version). Behind Online First, there is a full-fledged content management system that enables companies to work collaboratively on report projects.

  • all name suggestions on dark blue background with the winner in bold centered (Graphic)

    A new era – name change

    GeBer is past. In a democratic vote among the employees a new name for the company is elected: nexxar

  • all nine employees together behind a billard table (Photo)

    100 reports published

    We made it: the 100th report goes online. With only 9 employees.

  • the three founders posing together and laughing into the camera (Photo)


    October: founded by Johannes Wewalka, Nikolaus and Thomas Rosenmayr. nexxar moves into the office at Morizgasse 2 with 44.5 m²

eat sleep report repeat

Read the latest nexxar Annual Report

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